
  1. CBSE Class 10th Introduction to Probability

    January 7th, 2021 by

    The word “Probability” means how likely an event can occur. In mathematics, probability is a concept which originated in the 16th century when J. Cardan wrote ‘The Book on Games of Chance’. From here, other mathematicians, James Bernoulli, A. de Moivre and Pierre Simon Laplace made significant contributions. Laplace’s book ‘Théorie Analytique des Probabilités’ is, […]

  2. National Mathematics Day – ‘The Man Who Knew Infinity’

    December 22nd, 2020 by

    “An equation means nothing to me until it expresses a thought of God.” Srinivasa Ramanujan December 22 is celebrated as National Mathematics Day of India to commemorate the birth anniversary and the contribution of one of the great mathematicians, Srinivasa Ramanujan. The Day was officially recognised by the former prime minister, Manmohan Singh in 2019. […]