NEO World

  1. 5 Netiquettes Necessary in Online Education

    December 30th, 2020 by

    “Rudeness luxuriates in the absence of self-respect.” Eric Hoffer Online classes are a bit of a hassle, it is agreed by most. It is difficult to communicate in real time and the speaker has to wait for an appropriate response. It is trying, confusing and a test of patience. From a teacher’s perspective, it is […]

  2. What is IQ? IQ, SQ, EQ, LQ Explained.

    December 27th, 2020 by

    The ability to measure a particular quality enables us to compare individuals on one parameter and find the highest and lowest points for the same accordingly. This fact has been the core tenet of various methodologies in social sciences and behavioral disciplines. The term “Intelligence Quotient (IQ)” was first coined by the German psychologist, William […]

  3. Must-Have Features of any Online Learning Platform

    November 18th, 2020 by

    After the pandemic, education has taken a complete new turn. From pens and paper, we have moved to e-books and e-classrooms. But, the experience hasn’t been completely smooth. Like every new change, it was a cumbersome experience. For teachers, the major problem was the speed and the technology gap. For students, the major concern was […]