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Admin Product | November 4th, 2020
Is Online Education the Correct Alternative?

Current times have forced the children of our schools to continue their classroom learning digitally. Learning is a process which can never cease, it must continue and digital learning seems to be the only viable option to ensure a safer environment for the school children at their respective homes.

At schools, the curriculum which was put at place to guide students better, with its infrastructure and learning facilities, served a utilitarian purpose for the students to undergo a holistic educational experience.

Given the transfer to a virtual learning platform, it is imperative to ponder over the productivity levels of such endeavors. The key elements of our education, i.e., learning and knowledge attainment should be fulfilled by the advent of online education. Hence, a large focus should be put on tracking a child’s learning process through their schools’ online teaching.

Moving further, after assuming that productivity levels are as consistent as before, the important indicator of online teaching style by school teachers has to be the focus of our future assessment. Overloading and bombarding the students with tonnes of PDFs, assignments and homework has created a shift and an apparent imbalance between the students and their instructors from school.

Online video classrooms can be readily seen as being replaced by pre-recorded lectures and notes material which is simply being passed onto the students. Live interaction classes ensure that students clarify their doubts and problems, but pre-recorded lectures don’t give that space for students to learn and understand a concept.

The “fun” of engaging in healthy discussions that always made sure a higher place for learning among students, continues to be non-existent for many individuals in the new online learning process.

Education, which has always been a two way tunnel, merely has been reduced to a one way street, with schools over-stressing the students, even when they try to be safe at their homes! Continual feedback is an essential part of our education systems. It includes teachers imparting deep knowledge to students with students’ cross-questions and feedback in turn for their teachers to enhance their instructional styles. This blend really helps both the parties, hence, making the education more of an integrated experience.

Current online learning practices do not keep this at check. Analogous to other learning processes, online learning can be viewed from a scientific lens which no one knows the definite formula to. Schools should be complemented and praised for their efforts towards making this process sustainable and feasible for their students.

However, a significant aspect of such a process, i.e., students’ inputs should be acknowledged and taken into account for more fruitful results. Yes, online learning can be painful sometimes, but the students have to accept it as the new normal and their guardians and schools have to continue to make it better. It's here to stay for a considerable amount of time and will be the main process through which our students will learn and grow in their respective academic efforts.

Students will have to undergo a burden of their assignments and adjusting to this new normal, but the right support of their schools will take care of their extra stress and thus, make the process a bit smoother and ease off their hardships.

Parents will have to play an additional role of successfully mediating between their children and schools to foster a constructive and healthy feedback loop of learning digitally. The rightful role of teachers in the academic learning of their students might undergo more mending and restructuring, but with being mindful to keep the quality of learning experiences optimum, will definitely come the positive outcomes of the process!

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